2023 year-end ratings were published a few days ago and I've started doing my stats with bump rates by section and gender, bump rates by level and gender, strange bumps, and player counts with year-end ratings. Next up, distribution of players by level and gender.
This analysis looks at the players with year-end C ratings for 2023 and for comparison 2022. The bar represents the number of players and the annotation is what percentage that number is of the total.
First up, players by level overall.
We see the standard "normal" distribution with just some small changes from last year. There was some growth in raw numbers at lower levels, 2.5 thru 3.5, but the 4.0 and 4.5 levels shrunk slightly. However, while there were more 3.5s in 2023, the percentage that are 3.5s went down slightly due to the significant growth of 3.0s.
Since we saw that generally speaking more players are bumped up than down, this is likely due to new players coming in at lower levels and getting year-end ratings while the higher levels perhaps have some players no longer playing USTA League. I will have to do some analysis on this to see if that is the case.
Next, the distribution of women by level.
Similar story here, but the increased number of 3.0s was a bit larger and the 3.5s slightly less.
Last, the distribution of men by level.
The men had noticeably more 3.0s and 3.5s, but from a percentile distribution standpoint, over 1% fewer 4.0s and nearly 1% fewer 4.5s.
Stay tuned for more!