Wednesday, November 28, 2018

2018 NTRP ratings have been published!

As I write this, it appears the year-end NTRP ratings have been published on TennisLink.  I am seeing players with ratings with a 12/31/2018 date so at least some are now available.

To check what your rating is, you can go to TennisLink and look yourself up, or login and it should show your rating.  Make sure to check the date and that it is 12/31/2018 as that is what all new ratings should show.  If it still says a different date, yours may not be updated yet, or you didn't play enough matches to get a new rating.

Stay tuned for analysis of the ratings, but if anyone has any questions or wants to get a report to understand why they were/weren't bumped up or down, contact me!  And I'm always interested in situations where players successfully appeal, so if you do that and it is granted, drop me a note.

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