Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Analyzing 2019 USTA NTRP year-end ratings - Distribution of players by level

Next in the sequence of analyzing the 2019 year-end ratings, we'll take a break from bump up/down percentages and look at how many players there are at each level.

Should anyone want to see how this looked last year, take a look.

Here are the number of players, men or women, with C ratings at each NTRP level.  I've included 2018 year-end counts as well for comparison.  The percentages on each bar are the percent of the total at that level.

For those that have followed in past years, we see the "normal" distribution we expect.  Comparing to 2018, we see numeric increases at 2.5 thru 3.5 as well as 4.5 and 5.0.  Just 4.0 has a decrease in total number.  Note that while the 3.5 total count went up slightly, the percentage of the total dropped 0.1%.

Here is the distribution for the women.

This chart has a similar shape, but is biased more towards 3.0 than 4.0 and smaller numbers at 4.5 and above too.  Modest increases at 2.5 and 3.0, the rest pretty close to last year.

And for the men.

The men's shape is more biased towards the higher levels with nearly as many 4.0s as 3.5s.  Interestingly, there is a modest increase of 3.5s, 4.5s and 5.0s, but a decrease of 4.0s.  The increase of 4.5s is quite noticeable, and for those that have been following along, is likely due to the "Great Southern Bump of 2019".

Now of course, these are numbers across all sections.  Stay tuned for some drill downs into some of the sections, particularly Southern.

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