Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Happy New Year! It is 2020, USTA League starts right away

With the ringing in of the new year, we now can look forward to the 2020 USTA League year getting under way.  Well, sort of.  As always, some areas started the 2020 championship year early with Early Start Leagues, but in may areas, the new year brings with it the start of league play in some divisions.

In my area, Seattle, 40 & Over starts right away with matches this coming weekend.  And other parts of Pacific Northwest begin 40 & Over in January too.

Since it is 40 & Over starting with the new 4-court format, I look forward to hearing what people think of it, whether they stick with team wins for standings or use some form of points-per-position.

I will also do some analysis on how the number of teams and rostered players has changed in 40 & Over.

Happy New Year!

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