Friday, November 29, 2024

2024 USTA NTRP year-end ratings are out! ... sort of

It is Black Friday and everyone is shopping, but USTA League players are anticipating 2024 year-end ratings to be published which typically happens early the week after Thanksgiving.  I'm guessing they will come out around midnight on December 3rd this year.

However, for those that took advantage of a promotion (if you can call it that) to take an on-line Safe Sport training, you should have received an e-mail with your rating today November 29th.

The USTA sent an e-mail to members back on October 11 offering to send player's their 2024 year-end rating in an e-mail on 11/29, four days before they would be published on TennisLink, if they took a Safe Sport training course, and indeed I took a course (two actually) and got an e-mail today!

Now comes the confusion when players tell their friends what they new rating is, but TennisLink still shows their old rating.  Since the USTA clearly has the ratings already, I think it is somewhat silly that they don't just go ahead and publish them.

What do you think?  Did you take the training and get your rating via e-mail today?


  1. Yes, I got mine today. Interestingly, it does not say which type of rating. While it’s assumed to be a C rating, it could be S for those who did not play enough matches.

    1. If you got the e-mail I suspect it is a C. If you don't play enough and keep an S, it just carries over. But I'm not sure what they'd do in that case with the e-mail.

    2. When are they released? After midnight?

  2. I got mine, I wasn’t in any danger of moving either way, but some a couple of my teammates did it who are on the bubble!
    Agree they should just release them since they’re ready! I’m hoping for midnight on 12/2!

    1. One stayed 3.5 and another bumped up. Still waiting on the last close one!

  3. Yes - I got my rating this morning. I knew I was on the 3.5/4.0 bubble. I ended up at 4.0 - I’ll try to appeal in a few days to see if I’m close enough to the bubble to be granted.

    1. What is your tennis record #?

    2. I'm also curious to know what your TR #was? Thanks!

  4. I got rated up to 4.5 and since I played at nationals pretty sure I can’t even appeal.

    1. Correct, be on a Nationals roster and you can't appeal the year after.

    2. Not for everybody. My teammate and I won 4 matches at Nats. He got bumped, appealed, granted. It's a form online so you can always try. Nobody will know if you get denied. He's older but not over 65. It wasn't a medical appeal.

    3. What level/division of Nationals? The rule I stated applies to 18+ and 40+, so if yours was 55+ that would explain it.

    4. Is that just for adult divisions? Or for mixed divisions, too?

    5. The rule says Adult, so Mixed is seemingly not ineligible to appeal.

    6. What if I have a guy who didn’t play in the nationals (but was eligible to). Can he appeal down?

    7. My read it that they have to have played:

      A championship player’s computer rating achieved as a result of play in the Adult 18 & Over
      and Adult 40 & Over National Championships may not be appealed down after the
      Championship Year it is received

  5. Yes. I got mine via email. Bumped up to 4.0. Think I cannot appeal because my team made the Nationals.

  6. I took the course and didn't receive an email :(

    1. Oh no! If you go to when you are logged in to your USTA account does it show any courses as completed?

    2. Yes, it has a certificate with a date of completion.

    3. When did you take the course? There was a deadline of November 11th in order to get the sneak peek.

    4. Same with me took the course but no email.

    5. I have no explanation then, sorry.

  7. Same here. I called the USTA and talked with someone (most likely overseas). They told me I didn't get mine because my rating didn't change. I was like what???

    1. I doubt anyone at the USTA will ever tell you anything. This person is probably just saying your year-end rating didn't change so you weren't bumped.

  8. I got the email and was devastated to find out I bumped to 5.0. I did not think I was close. I’m going to appeal.

  9. I received mine in the email and shockingly got bumped down to 3.5. Tennis record shows 3.60 and I know it is not accurate, but I didn't expect any change in my rating.

    1. I sent you an email. Thanks!

    2. Yeah, I did have you getting bumped down. Another where TR missed and I had it right.

  10. It is really silly to send some out and not others. I agree. Why wait?

  11. I was hoping they’d come out a little early like today sometime. Now I wish I took the safety class lol.

  12. I took course and got e-mail on Friday. I was bumped up to 4.5. I played in 40 and over nationals. Also played 9.0 55 nationals. Tennis record had me at 4.07.

  13. I got bumped up to 5.0. I am unsure as to what to do appeal-wise.
    I don’t like that there are less players at that level but also think that if less appealed down then there could be hopes for creating a small league.

    1. Good point about if less tried to avoid 5.0 there might be critical mass there.

  14. Ok, I know is what it is (ie, not accurate) but my year-end prediction has me so befuddled that I have to ask about it! I'm a 3.5 and fully expect to stay put. Tennisrecord has me at a 3.2645 (solidly in the stay put range) but says "appeal available." What? How does that make sense? I thought it would only say that if your predicted rating were close to the line one way or the other. What am I misunderstanding?

    1. would realy want to know the answer to this aswell

    2. I don't know why/how TR decides to say appeal available. Sometimes things it does don't make sense.

    3. Maybe TR just meant that you actually have the option of appealing, not that the appeal would work necessarily.

    4. I think "appeal available" simply means that you are going to receive a "C" rating, and you were not on the roster of a M/W National team. In other words, most players. It does not seem to suggest in any way that you are likely to actually be granted an appeal.

  15. I rec'd my email on the 29th. Moved up to 4.0 (sort of expected to). Anxious to see ratings of others in my area. TennisRecord has a big group of us moving up so curious if it's accurate for others.

  16. How good is TR when dealing with a self rated player for end year rating? I am self rated and the 2 losses I had in doubles for my 2nd and 3rd match seemed to have all the points taken from me and none from my partner(who was not self-rated). It was not ever adjusted on Tennis record after I played all my matches. Just curious if anyone knows how it works.

    1. Tennis Record is a fun tool. Like a Magic 8 Ball. Tennis Record's prognostications are sort of like if a novice meteorologist created a forecast for what the weather conditions will be three months from today: it can certainly be based on past performance that we can all agree on, but ultimately it is a great big - possibly close, possibly mightily wrong - guess.

  17. Whether or not you received the USTA sneak peek ratingpalooza email, can we all agree that the USTA training on Volunteering for a Tennis Event was flawless, transformative? Just amazing. I don't need a rating preview to know that I am the winner for my new skills as a volunteer.

  18. I would like USTA to abandon this secret rating system. Show dynamic ratings and make players play at their actual level of ability like college players do. Show us the algorithm too! Many of our older players know that NTRP ratings discriminate by age. Be up front about it! Or remove the bias.

  19. I got mine but it was in my spam. I figured I’d get bumped down because I had some bad matches. But that stupid Tennis Record site puts me lower than people I know I am better than.

  20. USTA is a scam. If you want to win nationals move to Dallas or Houston. Those guys have the scam figured out. Todd Reed enables it and he is a fraud.

  21. Tennis record estimated with high confidence I would get bumped to 4.0 from 3.0. (Rated me at 3.63.). I got bumped to 3.5.

    1. Yet another where they were off, at least 0.13 in this case.

    2. You’ve run my numbers for me! My estimate was 3.37 on TR (close to yours) but the projected jumped to 3.63. Maybe from the bagel/breadstick in a playoff match. (Whoops- I did seem to continue knocking down a bunch of 3.5s to 3.0)

    3. Well, my rating was correct then and TR's year-end way off.

  22. It seemed like the adjustment "down" was pretty severe.
    A number from our team had tennisrecord up to 3.10 and got bumped down to 3.0 (including one who had only one season at 3.5 after getting bumped up from 3.0).
    We had one at 3.56 who stayed at 3.5, which would seem to align towards a rebalance.

  23. Tennis record is bonkers this year...friend with TR at 2.37 got bumped to 3.0 and friend with 3.76 TR stayed at 3.5 :-)

  24. I have no faith in the USTA rating system. I have been a 4.0 for the last 4 years. I was just moved down to 3.5 for my 2024 year end rating.
    This doesn't pass the smell test. Why do I have a singles WTN when I haven't played singles since 2016, My doubles WTN is better than many of my teammates and they all stated at 4.0. I was the only one that move down. Please explain. Probably not going to renew my USTA membership.

    1. Sorry to hear that. Let me know your name (e-mail me at and I can see if there is a good explanation for why you were bumped down.

      WTN seems to still show singles ratings if you ever played singles in the window they looked back (going back about 8 years).
