Friday, February 14, 2020

More 2-2 ties in 4-court 40 & Over leagues

I've been tracking how many 2-2 ties there are in 40 & Over league this year now that the standard format from National is 4-courts playing one singles and three doubles courts.

When a league is using the standard team wins for standings and not points per position, a 2-2 tie means tie-breakers are used to determine a team match winner, and the tie-breakers only go so far as games lost and game winning percentage in the match which can still be tied, so what happens then?

The count of these ties is now up to at least 23, and has happened in 7 sections, those being Florida, Hawaii, Intermountain, Missouri Valley, SoCal, Southern, and Texas.

It appears that the rule TennisLink applies is to first check each team's game winning percentage for the season going into the match and whomever has the higher GWP gets the win, or if this is tied, the visiting team gets the win.  As I've noted before, using season GWP doesn't make much sense and in fact seems to be wrong and not following the stated rule in the regulations, but that is what TennisLink does.  Let's hope it gets fixed soon.

What is your experience?  Have you seen 2-2 ties where the winner isn't determined as outlined above?  How would you want the tie broken?

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