Friday, May 24, 2024

Unflighted Round Robin - SoCal is at it again in 2024

The USTA began using the unflighted round-robin format for Nationals quite a few years ago now, and a number of sections began using it for Sectionals along the way.  Unfortunately, it has been used inappropriately in some cases leading to situations where undefeated teams were left out of advancing on to the semis or finals.

It has even happened at Nationals, twice in fact, as while the use of the format there has a low chance of it happening, it is possible.

It has happened in NorCal, and I believe they have changed their format to avoid the issue.

The Southern California section has flirted with disaster in the past, more than once, as they insist on having on the order of 18 teams in a flight use the format with just three matches played, a recipe for disaster.  Well, they continue to do it in 2024.

SoCal has a varying number of teams in the one large flight and then they generally have them play three matches with the top-4 in the standings advancing on to the semis.  If there are enough teams, generally around 14 or more, it is not only impossible to have a schedule guaranteed to avoid more than four undefeated teams, but the chances of it happening are real.

Last weekend they had:

  • 40 & Over 3.5 women - 18 teams, a real chance of five undefeated teams, but some upsets only had three.  Still, seven teams tied at 2-1 for the questionable tie-breakers to decide.
  • 40 & Over 4.5 women - 12 teams and they did three flights which is sensible, although you then are picking one second place team to advance.
This weekend they have:
  • 40 & Over 3.0 women - 14 teams, not a big chance but it could happen.
  • 40 & Over 4.0 women - 18 teams again, a real chance it could happen.

I understand that to get to 18 teams, the section may have even awarded wildcards to teams that didn't win their area or flight.  If so, exacerbating the problem just to give wildcards also seems questionable.  No wildcards and 16 teams reduces the risk with unflighted round-robin, or with 16 teams you can have four flights of four.

I'm not sure why SoCal keeps doing this, it will bite them at some point.


  1. The Socal leadership is very weak. They totally screwed up the fall doubles tournament when it rained. Granted we were playing in the desert but it rained and they never got the tournament back on track. Revenue is their only concern. The more teams that sign up for tournaments and play etc the more revenue they receive. Player and Captain concerns are barely addressed unless an issue is aggregious. Then everything is keep anonymous. Unfortunately there is not a decent alternative to this broken system.

  2. Thoughts on the So Cal 40+ 4.0 mens event last weekend?

  3. Yep, just happened this weekend. My team ended in fifth even though we won all three team matches :(

    1. Any realization from the organizers that you were unfairly left out? Or just them's the breaks, win more easily next time?

    2. Nope when we finished our match, we went to the desk to figure out the stats, and they just said o you’re in fifth because of games lost. And that’s it.
